Saturday, September 29, 2012

From the source

Sometimes there are things that make you grow up a little more.

The short of it is that when I post this, it will be from Arizona. The reason I hurt my knee. 

The longer part.
 During my senior year of high school, screwing around after football practice, I knew that I hurt myself.  I felt a pop and I just knew something was wrong.  A few short weeks later, I was on the operating table.  The silver lining to what had happen is that nothing was injured too bad. Ever so often my knee would hurt or get sore from different things, change in the weather or greater work load.
I cannot say exactly how I hurt my knee this time. Before I departed to Peace Corps Zambia, current volunteer said, “anything that you bring will get beat up, Zambia is rough on stuff.”  I guess “you” can be added to the list of stuff that will get beat up. During training, I biked… significantly more than I ever have before in my life, I would play soccer with fellow trainees, and just walking. The best way I can say it is that Zambia is different, and those different stresses got to my knee.
Why home?  Because that is where my support network is at. I could have experience medical care in South Africa, but I cannot say that surgery in a foreign country is on my bucket list. With input from my family and friends in the states, I decided that home was the best place to tackle this twist.
What is next? One question that I keep getting is “will you come back?” Right now I cannot say. I want to deal with first things first. So I want to make sure that my knee is 100% then worry about the next step. It could be back to Peace Corps. It could be Zambia, or a different country. It could be something at home. I do not know. But it will be first things first.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mayer's Class of '13

Mayer Class of 2013,

I Wish you the best in everything. I do want to express to you a few words of wisdom that I have learned, both from you while teaching and from my brief experience here in Zambia. This is not easy. This "life" thing it gets more challenging. No one is going to hand you a perfect opportunity. Nothing great ever comes easy, it takes work, work that I know each and everyone of you can do to find your definition of success. This is the "last" year you have to be a kid and make mistakes. Do learn from them but do not take advantage of those countless opportunities and the people who give you that chance. I can no longer be as great of an advocate.
Remember that there are your highs and your lows and the time in between. No one wants their lowest of days of times to go on forever. The same can be said about your highs. Learn to just be content.
This year like all years will fly by like I said a few short years ago. At times a grind, the next moment you will blink and a week will end. This year is the last year you will ever be together as The Graduating Class of Mayer High School 2013. Enjoy it. Make sure you are a part of it.
When differences arise as they always do, think, will it matter in a month? A year? 5 years? Is it worth a friendship?
Do not ever doubt what you have. Right now I do not have running water, electricity, Internet, even a toilet to sit on I crap in a hole. And the list could go on and on. Zambians call this home. I know that after my time here in Zambia, I will go home. Back to these conveniences , but what I care more about are not the things rather the people who I miss the most; Mom & Dad, Brothers, sister in-law, niece & nephew, my girl, and countless amazing friends. I know these relationships will have changed, that is okay. Relationships do change. Will it be hard yes, but so worth it.
When the I have the chance I will Skype in, until then remember;
Time is equal to everyone, everyone gets the same amount it is what you do with it that helps to define you. Value your time...
To understand the value of a year ask the individual who had to repeat a year in school
To understand the value of a month ask a mother who had their child a month premature
To understand the value of a week ask the editor to a weekly news paper
To understand the value of an hour ask the bride and groom before their wedding
To understand the value of 5 minutes ask the poor soul who missed their train
To understand the value of a second ask the person who avoided the accident
To understand the value of a millisecond ask the winner to the silver metal.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Home for 24 months

Site location.

I am very excited that I have found out where I will call home for my two years of service.

I will be in the Central Providence, a part of the Kapiri Mposhi district. My village or umushi (Icibemba) is Chibwe. The two bombas (larger towns or cities) that I am near are Kapiri and the Central Providence Capitol of Kabwe.

The site is about 2 hours north of Lusaka, and about 2.5 hours southwest of Serniji where the Peace Corps has a Providential house.

My site is first generation, no one has been there before. However, there will be a few other PCVs within 15-50k of me, I plan to work with them. I will be laying the ground work for the development that will come. My primary focus will be aquaculture in earthen ponds, the ponds will help to provide food security and economy development. As a side project I plan to work with a local school and help in whatever way possible.

In about 2 weeks I will have the chance to do second site visit and see my exact location. After I do this I will have a better understanding of location, and the project that I will work on.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

About a month in...

How do you write about the first month of a life changing experience with hardly no time?
I have had some long travel days but I think the one getting to Zambia tales the cake 15 hour flight. Here are a few notes that I took about that day.
The song "She's like Texas" by Josh Abbot made for good travel music.

Travel day
I can't say if we started at 12pm
Or when we got on the bus this (July 18th) morning at 2:30 am.

Rewind back just a bit... July 17th
7pm conclusion of staging training
9:30pm finish 'Merica dinner last 1 at five guys burgers
11:17 pm two brews with new friends
Midnight calls home and packing
July 18th
1:20 am debate if a power nap is worth it... Shower
2:00 am in hotel lobby ready to bus to JFK
5:36 am hurry up and wait to check in.
8:24am a breakfast of champions crapy pizza and chocolate milk, time to get felt up by tsa... Solar powered water bottles
11:00 am seated in the plane
14 hour 45 min flight....
3 different movies, a few cat naps and dinner and breakfast later we will look to be on the ground in about 38 min

The first few nights we the new intake of Peace Corps Trainees, PCTs were at the Barn Hotel. We had Sessions about heath, introductions, and safety. Shots and anti Malaria medication were some of the highlights.
Maybe we PCTs had a little down time with live music and local beers.

All of the PCTs then when out to a first sight visit. We did this to experience site with a current volunteer what and an example of where we could be for service. 3 days and 2 nights of living in the bush, Cooking on braziers, hauling water, 40 k to the nearest paved road, a hole in the ground, phone service at atop "cell phone mountain."
This was a great experience.

I am now in my home stay, with my host family the Mwansa's. I am in the Kakubo village near Chongwe. I have plenty of things to learn. The technical aspect of building fish ponds with limited resources. The Bemba language. An plenty of culture.
More later when the time arises, I hope you enjoyed

Sunday, July 15, 2012


A few songs for the road

Leavin on a Jet Plane ( )
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) ( )
Home ( )
Calling you ( )
Colder Weather ( )
Time ( )
Hey Driver ( )
We Are Young ( )
Call me Maybe Share it Maybe ( )

Thursday, July 12, 2012

not one...

I have no idea why on earth this happened but I am glad that it did happen. Do I fully understand it? No. Will I ever fully understand it? Maybe. It was worth it. 

"If I could do it again I'd do it the same, not one regret I wouldn't change a thing."

No tears, no regrets, I enjoyed it.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Success and Goodbyes

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss
Right now I am defining success as “I am choosing exactly what I want to do.”

Over this past week or so, I have had to say some goodbyes.  I did not ball my eyes out.  There may have a time or two that I had something caught in my eye.  I am absolutely amazed and feel utterly blessed to have so many friends and my family show great support.

I said farewell to my FFA family at State Leadership Conference in Tucson.  My students got another FFA opportunity and experience. Fellow agricultural education teachers expressed excitement and well wishes.

Magic the Gathering. This trading card game has been my hobby for the past 8 years.  The people who play this game are unique. From my time in Tucson while I attended the University of Arizona, I gained a group of gamers. There is also a wonderful group up here in the tri-cities area. Both helped me to be a better player of the game and even more so some great friendships. Some of these friends help me to test my liver, and others invited me in to their homes. I cannot think of a more dynamic group of people. The game but more the people I played it with I will miss.

I have said my byes at school as classes ended however there are a few those remain. Tomorrow I have a meeting with, the superintendent, principle, incoming teacher, and a few others. Professionally I could not have had better help, and I could not be happier with who is filling the roll as the next Ag Ed teacher at Mayer. I am excited to pass on some information, to help Mayer to continue to build upon success not only for the FFA chapter but for all students a part of the program and school.

Church. To say that I have been the best Church going person of the past few years would not be truthful. I do believe that everyone who had their home Church knows that it is easier to go there at home then it is go elsewhere. The send off and excitement in which, that community gave to me, tells me that I am blessed. Thank you.

Most of these goodbyes have not been very heavy on me. The goodbyes during this next week, my last week in the states, they get harder. 
My brothers
A new friendship
My Niece and Nephew
My mentors
And my Parents

Two years is not very long, however it is. I will miss you. I know just like the opportunity that was Up with People provided a great new extended family, Peace Corps service will do the same. 

Success. I have mentioned the idea to a few of my friends, that the best thing about my niece and nephew… is that they are my niece and nephew. I love them. They are the best. But in my life right now I would not want my own. That same thought can be used here. Yes, I will miss my friends and family. But this, to go to Peace Corps Zambia is my choice! And I love it! On any given day I am not always able to give an exact reason of why.  Heck some days or depending on who I talk with the reason will change.  But that is exactly it, there are many reasons why I want to go and I choose to go.  My definition of success is not monies, or things, but it is my ability to choose what I want to do. 

Thanks , peace, and enjoy

Monday, June 25, 2012

Education Philosophy

I thought that you might enjoy my two cents on education. Let me know what you think.

20 Days!

BearDown Arizona! U of A wins the College World Series!


Through my two and a half years of teaching and just living, life is able to grant perspective and understanding. I can look back and see that I was going to teach at Mayer High School. Now, as I embark on a new chapter in life I can look back and see what teaching has done for my students and for me. Although my role as a full time instructor is changed, the ideas and goals of my educational philosophy will continue to influence how I live my life.
            Prior to student teaching I wrote “Things I Believe – Education.” I still believe in education, students will have a greater opportunity to be successful if they have a quality education. I teach students. Many times, as an educator, I have been guilty of forgetting that I am here to teach students. We, as educators, can let too many of the tacky, unimportant “stuff” get in the way of what really matters, teaching students. Regardless of the career that you are in, there will always be those same deterrents and frustrations hindering your ability to properly accomplish the task at hand. From my perspective people who are successful, cut away that red tape and focus on the end goal.
            Students want to be challenged. Each student has their own definition of success.  As an educator, you are giving a student the opportunity to succeed and find success. “To respect a person’s autonomy means, according to the contemporary view, to respect him in his individual decisions and courses of action. (Johannes Giesinger 6)” This idea of giving not just student but people respect in their decisions is powerful. As a teacher you have an opportunity to help guide success, by keeping this in mind, is easy to remember to keep students first.
            Teaching is a team effort. A new teacher is encouraged to see what works by observing other teachers and their best practices. I am thankful for all the mentors that I have. Many ideas and quality practices within teaching are shared. As I asked about their teaching philosophies and beliefs, the concepts and ideas were all similar. The following are some of those philosophies:
“…to provide students with the opportunity for success.”
“Teaching is creating a positive change in behavior.”
“Do what is right for kids / students.”
“All students can learn.”
The core aspects of these statements, is that you are teaching for students. All the other “stuff” really does not matter. If you focus on the students and their ability for achievement, positive things will happen.
            These statements also reflect another aspect of teaching. We need to keep it simple. Education will always evolve and change, from government influence, to the next teaching fad. If we are keeping things simple we can provide students with opportunity.
            Teaching agricultural education provides other opportunities and ways for students to be successful. My favorite moments have been taking students to FFA events. Teaching students does not end when you leave the classroom. FFA, other CTSOs, sports, and the arts are an extension of the classroom. In this classroom, you get to use teachable moments, life experience, and challenges to prepare students for something far greater than any standardized test. Life. This is why I will always be a supporter of the FFA organization, it is a great aspect to agricultural education. The FFA mission statement “… premier leadership, personal growth, and career success…” Again this statement reflects two previous ideas, simple and focused on student success.
            In addition to the FFA, teaching agricultural education gives students’ relevance. All classes should include academics, when students see relevance, rigor will come. Students will have a greater understanding of things when they can try and do things; hands on and minds on. A greater way to create a cognitive connection is the practical application. We need to understand there is not only higher education but also hired education. All students can find success. That success may be a different model than what we as educator are accustom to seeing, but it is their success.
            Keep learning. “Research also demonstrates that positive changes occur in teachers’ practices when they experience sustained, high quality professional development. (Margarete Kedzior, Introduction)” There are many people with more experience in the world of education. Most of those people will share their best practices with you. Many vocational education teachers have industry knowledge and first-hand experience. They will share this wisdom and experience. Structured professional development is another great way to keep learning. Your own education as a teacher will provide you a greater way to give opportunities for success.
            Teaching for the past two and half years has helped to establish what I do believe as a teacher and what works. This is my education philosophy in five parts;
            Students first – Do not worry about the other, be there to teach students.
I believe in education – There will always be students to teach.
            Students want a challenge – When you know that they can, request their best.
            Teaching is a team effort – Use every resource you can to put students first.
            Keep learning – It helps you to put students first.


Giesinger, Johannes. 2012 “Respect in Education” Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of
            Great Britain. Volume 46, Issue 1, pages 100–112, February 2012

Kedzior, Margarete M.S. “Teacher Professional Development” Education Policy Brief.
VOLUME 15, MAY 2004

National FFA Organization, The FFA Mission Statement  © 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Snail Mail

staging info and plane tickets! I'm departing Phoenix Monday July 16th  for orientation in Philadelphia, then out of JFK on the 18th to Africa.

Write to me! Here's my Pre-Service Training address where I'll be for 11 weeks until October. Mail service is slow, so expect several weeks for delivery:

Scott Fitterer/PCT
Peace Corps
P.O. Box 50707
Lusaka, Zambia

Monday, June 18, 2012

distractions a'plenty

It is finally setting in, I am leaving. Wow.
Granted I have known that I am leaving for about the past five weeks. Now it is really setting in, one month to go as of father's day.  I have been busy, it is a good distraction. Here is a quick run down.

May 9-11 - Senior Trip, Magic Mountain - As a teacher some of the best times to continue to educate is outside the classroom. True to this activity even with a fun component.

May 12 - Uppie Wedding, Tucson - My first Up with People Wedding. A great group of people and a fun time.

May 14 - Last week of School - "Deal" with a forest fire forcing the school year to be finished at the elementary including graduation.

May 25-28 - Grand Prix Anaheim - I am a gamer and my game is Magic the Gathering. This is another ability for me to travel with some crazy fun people. I did not find the success at the game I wanted to but I would do the trip again.
May 29-June 1 - Professional Development - I believe that I will always be involved in Education. I had the chance to learn a little more on my way out and to help my replacement find success.

June 6-9 - State Leadership Conference - Another opportunity to give students exposure to the FFA organization.

June - 14 - Moving out - Moving sucks, this will be the easiest transcontinental move I will ever experience.
My distractions are starting to become fewer. I am very excited for this new adventure. A little scared but in a good and healthy way. Really I have no idea of what to expect, but I could not be happier.

When is my flight?

I hope you enjoyed

Monday, June 11, 2012

the hardest part... starting

Well what is this... my perspective.

I believe that most of whom are reading this know who I am and know some of my story. This will be the short version. My name is Scott. I am many different things to many different people. Here is a short list: (all of which I could address in this blog)

Brother, Son, Teacher, Peace Corps Volunteer, Gamer, Magic Player, Runner, Hiker, Traveler, FFA Advisor, Agriculturalist, Up with People Alumna, and Arizonian

The intention of this is to help tell my story.
